Seminar 1 - Situating Primary Research in Education.

Many interesting insights came my way during primary research which was consolidated and presented during Seminar 1.  

> The biggest insight has been the shift from the notion of Disguise to Adornment. In the living traditions that I spent time engaging with, masking was used to reveal. The artists used the word 'Alamkaram' meaning - Decorating. The purpose of disguise in these traditions is to decorate the Self. The adorning or decorating revealed new personas, and the experience was sought and created through this manifestation. I consolidated my primary research using this insight as to my cornerstone. I personally find the notion of decorating and adorning the Self as a truly beautiful concept. To me this space seems open and positive, I would like to expand this understanding for the rest of my study.

> I also surfaced that an ecosystem supported the act of revealing -  the adornment, the environment, the guardians and time are all allies to this process. Analyzing the data from this frame resulted in streamlining my thoughts and devising a relevant adornment/disguise in the space of education for my own practice as mastery.

> My own adornments emerged (much to my surprise) as Maya and Sathya. The next steps will be towards building scholarship through secondary research on these concepts, to arrive at the traits and features of my adornment. The next few days will be spent reading and engaging with various nations of Maya.

Below is the presentation that was made to the jury and the bibliography of secondary research that supported me through my primary research.

^ Consolidating insights from primary research and the birth of The Ritual of Disguise.

^ Koodiyattam paved the way to understand how experience is created in art. 

^ Juxtaposed Western and Eastern Performative traditions. Disguise shifts to Adornment. 

^ Surfacing the notion of Persona by analysing Theyyam. 

^ Understanding the larger eco - system that makes the adornment of Theyyam relevant and authentic. 

^  Ideas that emerged as adornment for myself.

^ Mapping potential pathways for adronment.

References 1 : 

Bibliography 1

Bibliography 2
